703 Bloor St. W.
2235 Derry St. E.
Starting November 1st - December 1st 2017
Heal Her Heart and Ankit Designs have joined forces, in solidarity and allyship, for their 1st Annual Food and Clothing Drive; donating all proceeds, articles of clothing, food items, hygiene products and toys to Anduhyaun Emergency Shelter for Women and Children and The Redwood Shelter for Women and Children.
We are accepting:
- new clothing for women; all sizes
- gently used winter coats and boots for women and children
- children's clothing (male and female identified)
- canned/packaged food (preferably rice, flour, sugar, dry cereal, - dry pasta, canned tuna and salmon, mayo, ziplock bags (all sizes), fruit cups and apple sauce,
- brand new items for babies - bottles, blankets, clothing etc
- hygiene products - (no razors, hotel size soaps or hotel size shampoos)
- Presidents Choice gift cards
Please ensure all food and hygiene products are sealed.
Drop off locations:
Ankit Designs
2235 Derry Road E. #38
Mississauga, ON, LS51V6
Heal Her Heart
703 Bloor St. W. #201
Toronto, ON, M6G1L5
Information about each shelter can be found below.
Anduhyaun Emergency Shelter for Women and Children:
Anduhyaun is Canada’s oldest emergency shelter for Indigenous women, where there is support and advocacy for women and children fleeing and/or recovering from the traumas of violence. Anduhyaun is a women run organization with Indigenous women as their allies in management, staff and community partners.
Services offered at the shelter (but not limited to); resident support, individual counselling, sexual assault counselling, crisis counselling, life skills counselling, cultural ceremonies.
The Redwood:
The Redwood provides programs and services to support women and children to live and thrive without abuse, homelessness and poverty. Services include but are not limited to;
Services offered but not limited to; a safe free refuge 24 hours of the day, telephone counselling, in person counselling for women and children, housing support services, referral to subsidized daycare and school registration, job readiness training and employment counselling, and legal support in immigration, family law and legal aid.
Contact us if you have any questions or need additional accomodations for coordinating your donation.